Fras-le is recognized among the top 10 suppliers in China

Unit of the Brazilian company in the Asian country is the only supplier of friction materials among the finalists.


Fras-le received an important recognition this March 11th in China. The company is among the top 10 suppliers of Huajing, one of China's largest producers of trailer axles. The only supplier of friction materials to receive this distinction, Fras-le Asia was represented at Huajing's Annual Supplier Meeting by sales manager Kevin Zhang.


"The Chinese market of automakers and replacement products is gaining increasing representation in the results of the company as a whole. We are happy to consolidate this strategic partnership with Huajing, which demonstrates confidence in our work and our products with this recognition", celebrates the Fras-le’s Friction Business Director, Anderson Pontalti.


Installed in China since 2009, Fras-le Asia is responsible for the production of canvases and brake pads for commercial vehicles. In addition to serving the local market, the unit also exports its products to Europe, South America and countries in the Asia/Pacific region.

Photo caption: Fras-le Asia sales manager Kevin Zhang receives recognition from Huajing CEO Mr. Zheng.
Photo: Divulgação/Huajing



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